Coverland Roof Tile Double Roman Terracotta Per 1000


Our Double Roman roof tile is a classic for the subtle and timeless design.
30 Year Functional Concrete Guarantee

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Payments may take up to 3 days to clear, and another 2 Days for delivery. We will inform you of any developments on your order.
SKU: CRTDRT1000 Category: Tag:
Batten Distance 320;345 mm
BMI Guarantee 30 y
Length 420 mm
Linear Cover Per Tile 300 mm
Minimum Pitch 17 °
Model Designation Double Roman
Net Weight 4.2 kg
Tile Coverage Per Sqm At Maximum Batten Spacing 10
Tiles Per Pallet 252
Width 332 mm


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Per 1000

Product Type

Shipping & Delivery
Mercury Build it delivers to East Rand and surrounding areas. Payments may take up to 3 Days to clear, and another 2 Days for delivery. We will keep you informed of any developments or on your order.