Starke Ayres Summer Flower Seed Assorted Variants


Variances include:
Alyssum mixed colours
Alyssum royal carpet
Antirrhinum tip top
Aquilegia McKana giants
Aster powder puffs mix
Bee favorites
Cobaea cup and saucer
Cornflower double mix
Cosmos sea shell
Dahlia unwins dwarf
Dianthus double mix
Foxglove foxy
Garden mix brilliant blues
Garden mix indigenous
Garden mix pretty pinks
Garden mix shade ladies
Gazania sunshine hybrids
Gomphrena globe flower
Helichrysum double mix
Hollyhock chaters double mix
Marigold dwarf double mix
Marigold eskimo
Marigold lemon drop
Nasturtium gleam hybrids
Phlox drummondii
Spring summer tall mix
Spring summer dwarf mix
Sunflower music box
Sweet william double dwarfs
Verbena mammoth mix
Water saving mix
Zinnia dwarf lilliput
Zinnia peppermint stick

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Payments may take up to 3 days to clear, and another 2 Days for delivery. We will inform you of any developments on your order.
SKU: FSUM Category:
Additional information
Weight 0.0065 kg
Dimensions 10 × 0.001 × 15 cm

Product Type

Shipping & Delivery
Mercury Build it delivers to East Rand and surrounding areas. Payments may take up to 3 Days to clear, and another 2 Days for delivery. We will keep you informed of any developments or on your order.