Cadac Braai Grid Collapsible 440mm X 330mm Chrome


Nickel-chrome plated or stainless steel adjustable grid fits most charcoal or gas braise or over an open fire for difficult-to-handle foods, enabling ease of turning. Holds spatch-cock chicken (“fatties”), vegetables, fish, meat and sausages

4 in stock

Payments may take up to 3 days to clear, and another 2 Days for delivery. We will inform you of any developments on your order.
SKU: 2015024 Category: Tag:
Additional information
Weight 0.9 kg
Dimensions 34 × 30 × 44 cm

Shipping & Delivery
Mercury Build it delivers to East Rand and surrounding areas. Payments may take up to 3 Days to clear, and another 2 Days for delivery. We will keep you informed of any developments or on your order.